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“Families Engaging and Thriving Together” means we rely on each other and our community. We connect to other families, resources, and programs. We educate ourselves and each other about opportunities that can lift everyone up. Here is a continually growing list of organizations that are here to serve our community. We hope you can get connected to all of the resources that can help you. If you need help sorting through it all, please feel free to CONTACT US!


Community Living and Case Management

START HERE! CLCM will walk you through the process of becoming eligible for services.

All services provided in Douglas county under are contracted through CLCM via the State of Oregon. CLCM provides a wide range of services for individuals and their families who are eligible for services under the Developmental Disabilities criteria. 

Oregon Consortium of Family Networks – Fact Sheet

OCFN believes that when parents connect with other parents who can share a vision of possibility, and help each other find strength, they break the cycle of loneliness and isolation for each other, and in turn, their children, changing their trajectory to one of empowerment and success. FEATT is a part of OCFN. Learn more about Oregon Consortium of family networks 

Oregon DHS – Children and Adult Service Brochure

You are in charge and you plan your services and supports. You can choose to have a legal representative, family member or friend help you. You build your support plan that includes your services based on your goals, what is important to you, and your assessed needs. View brochure here



Early Childhood




Douglas Education Services District

The role of the Douglas Education Service District is to provide services to administrators, teachers, staff and students in our 13 local component school districts.​ The Douglas ESD plays many roles in serving children.

  • That All May Read Free Braile and Talking Book Service from the National Library of Congress. For people with low vision, blindness or a physical disability that prevents them from reading or holding the printed page.

  • Learning Ally Audio books for Dyslexia and Learning Disabilities



Teens and Transitions

Transition Manual

You are likely excited about your future career and adult life after high school. You may have questions about the services, supports1 and resources that can help you reach your goals. This manual has information to answer these questions

View manual here


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Food Security



Sister Organizations

Some of our sister organizations under OCFN offer online trainings that we can participate in.